Fellowship Baptist Church

Starting Point

Welcome to Starting Point! We love what God is doing in our church and am so glad you have expressed interest in getting to know us a little more. Here are some details you should know about the Starting Point session...

What to Expect

  • Child care provided
  • Lunch is provided
  • We will begin immediately after the morning service
  • This is a great time of getting to know other new members

What You'll Learn

History of Our Church

We'll take you on a journey through our churches history.

Why we are B.A.P.T.I.S.T.S.

We'll walk you through why we are an independent Baptist church.

Our Core


Our support team is here to ensure that things runs smoothly. You’ll always find the help you need. 

How we can help you and your family grow

Watch your profits increase and your value rise as you boost efficiency. It’s easier than you think. 

Register Now

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