As a church, we invite children of all ages to be a part of the growing, thriving ministry of our church. With spaces for newborns and toddlers in our nursery and classes for preschoolers and elementary school every Sunday morning, we welcome your entire family to take part in learning and growing towards Christ as a part of our faith-community.
We utilize Church Center to organize our groups. Click the button below to learn more.
Fellowship Baptist student ministry is designed to help middle school and high school students grow their faith, their character, and their relationships. It’s about creating an atmosphere that is Christ-focused where they can belong. We encourage our students to be involved in everything we do from inviting, participating in activities and serving.
We utilize Church Center to organize our groups. Click the button below to learn more.
Our adult ministry centers on gathering as a community around the Word of God and living lives modeled after Christ. The goal of all adult ministries at Believers is to help challenge participants to live out their faith while impacting others with the power and truth of the Gospel!
We utilize Church Center to organize our groups. Click the button below to learn more.
Nuestra Iglesia ofrece servicios y clases para las personas que hablan Español en nuestra comunidad. Los días de reunión son los Domingos a las 10:30am. También tenemos cuidado de bebés, y clases para niños de todas las edades. Llámenos si necesita transporte gratis para usted y su familia a la Iglesia.
Servicios Domingo
Reunion en la persona - 10:30am
Servicios Jueves
Estudio Biblico - 7pm
(via Facebook Live)
Vida Eterna con Cristo
Usted puede tener una relación personal con Dios a través de Jesucristo.
Dese cuenta de que Dios le ama. Juan 3:16 “Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en Él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.”
Dese cuenta que usted es pecador. Romanos 3:23 “Por cuanto todos pecaron, y están destituidos de la gloria de Dios;”
Dese cuenta de que el pecado tiene un precio que hay que pagar. Romanos 6:23 “Porque la paga del pecado es muerte; mas la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro.”
Dese cuenta de que Jesucristo murió y resucitó para pagar por su pecado. Romanos 5:8 “Mas Dios muestra su amor para con nosotros, en que siendo aún pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros.”
Usted puede orar pidiéndole a Jesucristo que sea su Salvador y reclamar la promesa de la vida eterna. Romanos 10:9, 13 “Que si confesares con tu boca que Jesus es el Senor, y creyeres en tu corazón que Dios le levantó de los muertos, serás salvo… Porque todo aquel que invocare el nombre del Señor, será salvo.”
Si usted oró y le pidió al Señor que sea su Salvador, nos encantaría saberlo. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros de esta decisión importante.
Llamanos o por texto al 615-394-9108
Líder del Ministerio Hispano
Cesar A. Silvano
At Fellowship, we obey the command found throughout Scripture to disciple others. We believe our greatest mission is to share the saving grace with the world. We also believe that training a new believer is just as important. We offer The Next Step – a ministry that teaches a new Christian some of the main teaching of the Bible and how they should live according to God’s Word. When someone becomes a child of God, there life should be transformed. They should be a new person experiencing a sincere relationship with their heavenly Father. They should be living a life of obedience to God. Our discipleship program helps an individual do just that. The program encourages a believer to take the next step. Here are a few of the things you will learn in the program:
How will I benefit from discipleship?
You will understand more about the Christian life and how you should live it. You will learn some of the core doctrines of the Bible. You will receive the curriculum as a gift from our church. You will develop a relationship with your teacher. And most importantly, you will grow in your relationship with God.
Who leads the program?
We believe the most effective way to teach a new Christian is through 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 training. Single men will be paired with single men. Single women will be paired with single women. Couples will be paired with couples. Your teacher will be a qualified teacher who strives to live their Christian life how the Bible tells a Christian to live. They will have an interest to see you grow spiritually as an individual or couple.
When does the program meet?
This will vary depending on your schedule and the schedule of your teacher. Many of those who are currently in the program meet on Wednesdays before the Midweek Bible Study. Others meet during the week at everyone’s convenience.
How long does the program last?
The curriculum contains 14 lessons. The length of the program will be based upon which stage of the Christian life you are in. Typically, the program lasts about 14 weeks when meeting once a week for one hour.
Ray & Heidi Carrillo
Discipleship Directors
Community Evangelism
One of the most important missions at Fellowship is to tell our community about the salvation that can be found through Jesus Christ. There are scheduled weekly times when our church family does just that. Although we do have specific times where we meet before going out in the community, our church family can participate in our AD campaign. This allows them to have a designated area of our city that they can reach at their convenience.
Weekly Outreach Times
Saturday @ 10am
Community Service
We believe that our greatest mission is to tell others about salvation through Jesus Christ. We also believe that showing the love of Jesus to people around us is something that we should live. Our church coordinates different events/projects such as delivering goody baskets or hosting cookouts to community servants.
World Missions
We support over 120 missionaries all around the world. Our support comes through prayer and finances. The highlight of our world missions ministry is our annual missions conference that takes place in November. Visit our world missions page here.
Addictions Program
Do you struggle with an addiction? Is there a stronghold in your life that you cannot seem to break through? Our Reformers Unanimous is just what you need. The Bible offers advice that is better than any program or book out there to help people break the chains of addiction. Join qualified teachers on Fridays at 7pm to find help.
Bus Ministry
Our church offers free transportation for people who do not have transportation. Our bus ministry covers every section of Durham and would love to pick you up!
Missions Conference
Our annual missions conference takes place each year during the month of November. During the conference, we have the opportunity to meet new missionary families and be challenged by God’s word. The events during the conference include the Missions Banquet, Missionary Christmas, and Missions Week at FBA.
Seedline Project
Each year we partner with Bearing Precious Seed ministries to compile thousands of copies of John and Romans to be delivered to a missionary somewhere in the world. Click here to watch a recap of our 2019 event.
Our church prayerfully and financially supports over 120 missionaries world-wide. To request a list of our missionaries that we support, please email us at
The Word of God clearly places the responsibility for the education of children with the parents. “And ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture (discipline) and admonition (instruction) of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4) To help parents fulfill this responsibility, God has raised up the Christian school. The placing of your child in Fellowship Baptist Academy evidences your understanding of this responsibility and your willingness to follow God’s command.
Fellowship Baptist Academy was founded in 1995 to help the members of Fellowship Baptist Church in the training of their children. However, In recent years, those who attend other Bible-believing churches have been allowed to attend as well.
Our staff at Fellowship Baptist Daycare believes that early childhood should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploring, and discovery. Children are creative and receptive. The staff will strive to nurture and encourage these qualities in your child. Our one goal and purpose is to provide an atmosphere that encourages your child’s spiritual, social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth and development. Our days are filled with exciting fun things to do that open eyes to wonders of the world around us.
10 reasons why you should consider our daycare
1. Safety and security – This is the most important reason to us. This is always on the front of our mind every day.
2. Cleanliness – We take this very seriously. It impacts your child’s health and success.
3. People – We measure our success in the success of the child.
4. Flexibility – We are flexible to meet your needs.
5. Warmth -We do everything possible to make sure our daycare and pre-school are places of warmth and happiness.
6. Growth – We promote growth of the total child: spiritual, social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth and development.
7. Communication – This is crucial and plays a big part in relationships parents and their children, teachers and students, and teachers and parents.
8. Nourishment & Nurturing – They will receive lots of both.
9. Learning – We make learning fun and an adventure to heighten curiosity, interests, and the continued love and learning.
10. You are Welcome – You are an important part of our success equation. We will always encourage you to be a part of your child’s experience here.
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